NPHS Sports
North Platte High School 1220 W 2nd St, North Platte, NE, United States10am: Golf: Boys Varsity Invitational @ Lake Maloney Golf Course [...]
10am: Golf: Boys Varsity Invitational @ Lake Maloney Golf Course [...]
The NPHS Bulldogs will compete against the Kearney Bearcats in [...]
5pm: Boys Varsity Game vs Lincoln Northeast 6:30pm: Boys JV [...]
12pm: Tennis: Girls Varsity Triangular vs Multiple Schools @ Cody [...]
4:30pm: Boys Varsity Game vs Hastings 6pm: Boys JV Game [...]
The NPHS girls varsity tennis team will host an invitational [...]
The NPHS JV/V boys/girls soccer teams will compete with Kearney [...]
The NPHS JV/V girls soccer teams will compete with Elkhorn [...]
The NPHS JV/V girls/boys soccer teams will compete with Lexington [...]
The NPHS boys JV/V soccer teams will compete with Gering [...]